Ceramic Watches

2 products

Ceramic Watches at Michael Hill

At Michael Hill we offer a variety of men’s watches, women’s watches and unisex watches. Combining beauty and strength, our range of high-tech ceramic watches are luxurious accessories you can enjoy for years to come.

  • Why choose a ceramic watch?

    Ceramic might seem like an unexpected material for watches, but it is a good choice and a popular material for several reasons. For one, the high-tech ceramic used in watches is a very tough material that is largely scratch-resistant, meaning your watch will keep its beautiful lustre for a long time.

    It is also a surprisingly light material, meaning a ceramic watch will be comfortable to wear on your wrist throughout the day. And, ceramic is non-allergenic, meaning it is a safe material for those with metal allergies.

  • Can a ceramic watch be worn every day?

    Yes – in fact, a high-tech ceramic watch is one of the best choices for everyday wear! Ceramic watches are durable yet light, meaning they are comfortable and you can wear them without fear of scratching your watch as you go about your day.

    Our range of ceramic watches at Michael Hill have a luxurious look, combined with stainless steel, gold-toned stainless steel, and/or diamonds. They are ideal for adding an exclusive element to your look. They will pair perfectly with your other pieces of men’s jewellery or women’s jewellery if you choose a complementary colour and metal tone, and they are also impressive enough to stand alone as an accessory.